
ADL internships 2024/2025

Teleoperation projects

  • Top-down teleoperation
  • Donkey car teleoperation using multiple cameras
  • Integration of Clevon teleoperation system with Autoware Mini

Localization projects

  • Lidar-based localization using LeGO-LOAM or similar approach.
  • Camera-based localization for using ORB-SLAM or similar approach.

Robotics projects

  • Integration of RTK GPS with Jeep toy car
  • Integration of Velodyne lidar with Jeep toy car
  • Integration of RTK GPS with Donkey toy car

Other projects

  • Updating of bag database application (Java)
  • Implementing of monitoring in Autoware Mini
  • Reading out ultrasonic and other car sensors from CAN bus

Tambet Matiisen