Thesis topics
So you’re thinking of making the culmination of your studies about self-driving?Good, because we need all the help we can get. See all the available thesis topics and don’t hesitate to contact us if your idea for a self-driving topic is not listed!
Snow plow driver assistance
Snow plow driver assistance
Thesis overview
Supervisor: Tambet Matiisen, Edgar Sepp
Curbs and road edges can be hard to detect for snow plow operators. Mistakes can be costly both in terms of repairing the road and machinery. We proposed an assistance system for snow plow operators that notifies if the plow is too close to the road edge. The system is based on centimeter-level accurate RTK GPS system and snow plow area maps from Tartu Geohub. The goal of this project is to validate this idea on a real snow plow machine.
Disengagement probability estimation
Disengagement probability estimation
Thesis overview
Supervisor: Tambet Matiisen, Edgar Sepp, Meelis Kull
Testing of autonomous vehicles on public streets is performed with safety drivers. The task of a safety driver is to monitor the car behavior and take over the control if the car behaves erratically. This is called disengagement and all disengagements are meticulously logged and analyzed.
The task in this project is to estimate the probability of disengagement on a specific section of a road. From the individual disengagement probabilities of road sections a total disengagement probability for a certain route can be calculated. If the total probability of disengagement along a route is below a certain threshold, a driverless vehicle is dispatched. If not, then an autonomous vehicle with a safety driver is dispatched.
In theory calculating a disengagement probability for a road section is simple - just no_of_disengagements_in_this_section / no_of_times_the_vehicle_passed_this_section. But in practice the vehicle has passed this section maybe only a handful of times. The key idea is that we should group or cluster the road sections to increase the denominator.
End-to-end driving with TransFuser
End-to-end driving with TransFuser
Thesis overview
Supervisor: Tambet Matiisen, Ardi Tampuu
There are two approaches to autonomous driving - modular approach and end-to-end approach. Modular approach divides the driving task into smaller subtasks like perception, planning and control. End-to-end approach trains one big network to drive the car using imitation learning from human driving data. While the end-to-end approach is conceptually simpler, it can also be hard to test and debug.
The task in this project is to train an end-to-end driving network based on TransFuser architecture. The data for training the model will be provided by ADL.
Digital twin of an Estonian town
Digital twin of an Estonian town
Thesis overview
Supervisor: Tambet Matiisen, Allan Mitt
Digital twin is a virtual copy of a town that can be used for varied purposes. Autonomous Driving Lab has created a digital twin of Tartu that is used for testing the autonomous car before letting it drive on public streets. The task in this project is to create a similar digital twin of an Estonian town of your choice. The methodology will be based on Allan Mitt’s master’s thesis.
Temporal object detection
Temporal object detection
Thesis overview
Supervisor: Tambet Matiisen
Lidar 3D object detection
Lidar 3D object detection
Thesis overview
Supervisor: Tambet Matiisen
Absolute positioning of drones using aerial images
Absolute positioning of drones using aerial images
Thesis overview
Supervisor: Tambet Matiisen, Edgar Sepp, Karl-Johan Pilve
Teleoperation situational awareness testing
Teleoperation situational awareness testing
Thesis overview
Supervisor: Tambet Matiisen, Karl Kruusamäe
Evaluation of RTK base station accuracy
Evaluation of RTK base station accuracy
Thesis overview
Supervisor: Tambet Matiisen, Edgar Sepp
Prototyping vision-based localization using milestone-board information
Prototyping vision-based localization using milestone-board information
Thesis overview
Supervisor: Naveed Muhammad
The project: During the project, you will prototype the use of milestone-board information for map-based localization. The investigation includes the following steps:
You will begin by first creating a scenario (i.e. as a Python or Matlab program, for example) that contains some highways, roads, cities, and virtual milestone boards.
You’ll then implement a particle filter (which is one of the most intuitive techniques for autonomous localization) for localization within the map (i.e. inside the created scenario). This also includes exploring multiple possible routes that lead to the same city.
Vehicle localization in OpenStreetMap using distances to cities as the measurements
Vehicle localization in OpenStreetMap using distances to cities as the measurements
Thesis overview
Supervisor: Naveed Muhammad
The project: During the project, you will investigate the use of distances to cities, essentially milestone board information, to implement map-based-localization in Open Street Map for Estonia. The investigation includes the following steps:
(i) You will begin by familiarizing yourself with OpenStreetMap and creating virtual milestone boards on a set of testing routes.
(ii) You’ll then implement a particle filter (which is one of the most intuitive techniques for autonomous localization) for localization with the map, using the information from the milestone boards as your measurements.
Air-flow sensing for perception in autonomous driving
Air-flow sensing for perception in autonomous driving
Thesis overview
Supervisor: Naveed Muhammad
Description: You will build upon the innovative work done on flow-sensing applications in autonomous driving by Roman Matvejev [1] and Matis Ottan [2]. It is possible to investigate one of the following avenues: (i) working in simulations and proposing new applications of flow sensing in autonomous driving, (ii) investigating new feature extraction and classification/regression methods etc., (iii) expanding out of simulations with physical validation of flow sensing in autonomous driving.
Vision-based localization on city scale using Open Street Map
Vision-based localization on city scale using Open Street Map
Thesis overview
Supervisor: Naveed Muhammad
During the project, you will investigate the use of vision sensing for map-based localization. The investigation includes the following steps:
1. Recognition of street names (and possibly also road direction signs) using vision
2. Matching of the perceived street-name information with streets in a given map (such as the Open Street Map)
3. Implementing a particle filter for localization within the map using the above-mentioned matches
4. Incorporation of the developed solution into the Autoware Mini software stack —
Map-based localization for autonomous vehicles using lidar
Map-based localization for autonomous vehicles using lidar
Thesis overview
Supervisor: Naveed Muhammad
Project: During the project, you will investigate lidar sensors for map-based localization. You can start by experimenting with lidar data acquired using the ADL Lexus vehicle and then move to real-time implementation on-board the vehicle (within our Autoware Mini software stack - The investigation includes aspects such as:
(i) Creating a map, using data from the Estonian Land Board, and implementation of a map-based localization using particle filtering. The validation can be done in two ways:
- In the CARLA simulation of Tartu city.
- Using real lidar data from the streets of Tartu (we already have this data at the lab).
(ii) Using the above implementation, investigate aspects such as: what is the lower bound on how rich the lidar sensor data should be, in order to perform localization? The vehicle is equipped with multi-beam lidars from Velodyne and Ouster. So the natural question is if we need all the laser beams? Do we need 16, 8, or is even a single beam enough?
(iii) Incorporation of your proposed solution into Autoware Mini.