
On-demand transportation met autonomous driving at sTARTUp Day 2022

Our public appearances continued with our very own side event “On-demand transport meets autonomous driving” at sTARTUp Day 2022!

After our recent pilot project, we are convinced that deploying self-driving cars in sparsely populated areas is a much more feasible use case, as opposed to doing so in urban centers. Unsurprisingly, we wanted to spread the word about this, and explain the possible synergy between autonomous vehicles and on-demand transportation.
We started off with a talk, but then turned the attention to the participants as we presented them with an open mic so that they could ask everything and anything about our lab, self-driving tech, on-demand transportation, etc. Once again we had a lottery of sorts, as a spinning wheel determined which of the lucky participants—together with a friend or two—got to take a demo ride in our self-driving car.

More photos of the event can be found on Facebook.