Here you can see all our publications, no matter which research area they belong to.
Bi-Convex Approximation of Non-Holonomic Trajectory Optimization
Arun Kumar Singh, Raghu Ram Theerthala, Mithun Babu, Unni Krishnan R Nair, K. Madhava Krishna
• 2020
A Survey of End-to-End Driving: Architectures and Training Methods
Ardi Tampuu, Tambet Matiisen, Maksym Semikin, Dmytro Fishman, Naveed Muhammad
• 2020
A Novel Trajectory Optimization for Affine Systems: Beyond Convex-Concave Procedure
Fatemeh Rastgar, Arun Kumar Singh, Houman Masnavi, Karl Kruusamae, Alvo Aabloo
• 2020